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Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

Read The First Chapter Free!

Same sex attraction is a real emotion but homosexuality is a learned behavior.  Nothing Gay About Being Gay and The Way Out expose the spiritual natures behind the practice of homosexuality.  Get a glimpse inside these two explosive books from Tyeesha Holt today!

Exclusive With Tyeesha Holt

On The New Audio Podcast

“If the LGBTQ community wasn’t so loud would the church still be silent?”  Click the button below for the first episode of the all new and exclusive podcast from Tyeesha Holt.  To get more exclusive, FREE episodes, visit the Podcast Portal.  

Subscriptions are also free.  When you subscribe, you will receive notifications to each new episode to hear Tyeesha Holt dissect the homosexual practice in hopes you will gain an understanding that helps to separate the person from the practice. 

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Speaking Engagements

Tyeesha’s assignment is to express the gospel in a way that brings truth to the LGBTQ community and equip the body of Christ to effectively minister to those influenced by the practice of homosexuality.  If you are interested in having Tyeesha share her testimony and her personal triumph over homosexuality, click the button below to fill out our speaker request form.

We would love to share the love of Jesus Christ with you, your organization, church or event.


I just want you to know reading your book I thought I was going to find some powerful cure to help my daughter free herself from homosexuality. I ordered the book so quickly hoping to be able to point out her every fault and get her to see her error in her ways. But God knew I needed to read your book.  Not for my daughter but for me.  It has been easy for me to identify the strongholds in my daughter’s life but impossible and deathly scary for me to be honest about the ones in my life. Thank you for your transparency and for allowing God to use you with no fear. I’m prayerful He will use my life to get the glory from my life as well. Thank you so much. As for my child, I’m reminded of Matthew “Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye but fail to notice the beam in your own?” I’ve been a hypocrite and to think I’ve been this way to the child I love more than myself is gut wrenching. Thank you for reminding me that God’s grace is sufficient. God bless you.

A close family member provided me a copy of your book. All I can say is THANK YOU for your encouraging words and the book is amazing!!! I needed it at this moment of my life and I can’t wait to get the courage to take my leap. Keep encouraging the people!! Thanks a lot!! I will be in touch. I hope I get there before it’s too late. I’ve been battling myself and it’s hard. I literally cried when I read the 1st chapter and more tears came after reading the remaining chapters. I couldn’t put it down and I literally finished the book within 24 hours. Again, thank you.

Thank you for sharing your testimony for it has helped me to see the Word of God in a different way as it reflects my life because I too have wrestled with the spirit of homosexuality for years trying to figure out why I’ve been feeling this feeling that I have. And all this time it has been the Lord talking to me. Thank you for helping me to see that. Be blessed.

I was led to read the book for a very dear family member of mine. I wanted to know best how to Minister to her without running her away. I had many preconceived notions…after completing the book in a week I really felt more enlightened than ever. I felt absolutely sure of the best way to Minister to my family member. I know for sure the Struggle is Real. But God is still sovereign. I am more convinced than ever that God used a little girl (now a beautiful woman) to teach me how to treat my family member. It’s quite simple …just show the love of God. Then let God do the rest. It’s easy to judge. It’s harder to love my family member unconditionally.

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.