About me

About Me

This journey has been the most rewarding experience of my life and I am happy to share it with you.

My assignment is to express the gospel in a way that brings truth to the LGBTQ community and to equip the body of Christ to effectively minister to those influenced by the practice of homosexuality.  In order to fulfill this assignment, the body of Christ has to be educated on what homosexuality really is and not what the world has made it out to be. 

My own, personal story of overcoming homosexuality is raw and uncut.  Although I experienced a lot while living a homosexual lifestyle,  I want to express how the worst part of my testimony was not that I was gay but instead how it took so long for someone to approach me with biblical, sound truth for me to begin a path to overcome it.

Through my books, I have identified several key categories of people for whom this ministry was created for.  If you fit into one of these categories, I strongly encourage you to educate yourself about homosexuality and seek “The Way Out!”.

A person seeking ‘The Way Out’ of any stronghold especially homosexuality:  ‘Nothing Gay About Being Gay’ will take you on a journey through your past allowing you to reconnect with suppressed experiences that led to your unhealthy way of thinking. 

A friend / relative of someone practicing homosexuality:  Each book paints a picture of what can happen when we don’t have the proper approach to stand firm in the gospel and how planting seeds of Godly wisdom can have lasting effects even if it’s not embraced at the moment. 

A parent whose child is experiencing some difficulties connecting to their God given identity: Each book can help you understand the mental battle your child is going through in hopes that you learn how to properly raise them and connect with your child.

The Body of Christ / The Church: Each book can reaffirm to pastors, teachers, prophets, evangelists and anyone in leadership how avoiding this issue and simply calling homosexuality a sin can open the doors to neglect, loneliness and insecurities for a person attending church seeking truth.  Avoiding this issue can lead to more strongholds against the church within the LGBTQ community. 

God’s Image In Full Armor: The children’s book will take your kids on a journey where identity in the eyes of God comes to life through incredible characters.  It will teach kids how to wear the full armor of God to protect their identity from a world that incorrectly states that they can choose their identity.